Unlocking the Magic of Morocco: Visa Requirements for UK Residents

Unlocking the Magic of Morocco: Visa Requirements for UK Residents

If you’re a UK resident seeking an enchanting escape to the vibrant and mystical land of Morocco, you’re in for a treat! Morocco, often associated with the allure of Arabian nights and genies, is a place of incredible diversity, from the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene Saharan dunes. However, before you embark on your magical Moroccan journey, you may be wondering about the visa requirements for UK residents. Fret not, for we are here to unveil the secrets of Moroccan travel!


Discovering Morocco – A Treasure Trove of Experiences

Morocco, located in the northwest corner of Africa, is a country that transcends time and space. Its blend of ancient traditions and modern influences is sure to captivate the hearts of travelers. From the grandeur of the Atlas Mountains to the charm of the coastal towns, Morocco offers a multitude of experiences, such as:

Marrakech, the Red City

Lose yourself in the medina's maze, explore the historic palaces, and get mesmerized by the vibrant souks. The Jamaa el Fna square, with its street performers and food stalls, is an adventure in itself.

The Sahara Desert

Embark on a desert safari and spend a night under a sea of stars in a Berber camp. The silence and vastness of the Sahara are truly awe-inspiring.

Fes, the Cultural Hub

Dive deep into Moroccan history in the city of Fes, known for its labyrinthine medina, madrasas, and ancient tanneries.

Chefchaouen, the Blue Pearl

Find tranquility in the azure alleyways of Chefchaouen, a town nestled in the Rif Mountains.

Coastal Delights

Relax on the sunny beaches of Agadir or explore the coastal charm of Essaouira, known for its historic medina and windswept ramparts.

Visa Requirements for UK Residents

The good news is that Morocco, known for its hospitality and openness to tourists, doesn’t require a visa for UK residents staying for up to 90 days. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months from your planned entry into Morocco.

Make sure to receive an entry stamp upon arrival and an exit stamp upon departure. These are essential for a hassle-free experience.

If you plan to stay in Morocco for more than 90 days, you can request an extension from the nearest police station.

While visa requirements may change, it’s always a good idea to check the latest information with the Moroccan embassy or consulate in the UK before your trip.

The Magic of Morocco

Awaits You

Morocco is a land of breathtaking landscapes, intricate architecture, delectable cuisine, and a warm, welcoming culture. Whether you dream of traversing the ancient medinas or riding camels into the endless dunes of the Sahara, Morocco has something extraordinary to offer every traveler.

So, dear UK residents, if you’ve been contemplating your Moroccan adventure, rest assured that the magic of Morocco is within your grasp. With visa requirements for UK residents being quite reasonable, it’s time to unlock the treasure chest of Morocco and uncover the enchanting secrets hidden within this captivating country. Your genie may not grant you three wishes, but Morocco will grant you an abundance of unforgettable memories!

Exploring the Enchanting Wonders of Morocco in 7 Days

Exploring the Enchanting Wonders of Morocco in 7 Days

Welcome to an extraordinary journey through the captivating wonders of Morocco. Our carefully crafted trip will take you to some of the country’s most enchanting destinations, showcasing the rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking natural beauty that Morocco has to offer.

In the morning before leaving Casablanca, we will visit the impressive Hasan II Mosque. We will drive to Rabat and dedicate most of the day to explore its center by car and by foot. Rabat is the capital city. Rabat is located on the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the river Bou Regreg, opposite Salé. The medina of Rabat is listed as a World Heritage Site. We will see the royal palace, Chellah, Hasan tower, mausoleum for king Muhamad V and Kasbah of the Udayas. We will drive to Fes. Overnight in Fes.

  • Hasan II mosque – the largest functioning mosque in Africa and is the largest in the world. Its minaret is the world’s second tallest minaret at 210 meters. The Mosque exterior and interior are masterpiece of Moroccan designs and architecture
  • Dar al-Makhzen – The royal Palace – is the official residence of the king of Morocco. The Palace area contain a vast territory with government offices and public workers resident. We see the place main gate from the outside
  • Rabat Chellah – was founded to be a trading emporium by the Phoenicians, that later became Roman colony. In the Middle Ages part of the site was turned to Muslim necropolis on the south (left) side of the Bou Regreg estuary. In spring the place is crowded with nesting strokes. Today the site part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Hassan Tower – is the minaret of an incomplete mosque. The tower was part of a mosque, that was initiated by Yaqub al-Mansur in the 11ᵗʰ century. After its death, the mosque was left incomplete. It was a vast mosque with walls around and 348 columns to hold the roof. The tower, along with the remains of the mosque and the modern Mausoleum of Mohammed V, are an attractive site
  • The Kasbah of the Udayas – is a Kasbah located on a hill at the mouth of the Bou Regreg River. It is a picturesque house and whitewash walls, and blue doors and windows make it a pleasant place. It is listed, along with other sites in Rabat, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

We will dedicate our whole day to explore Meknes. We will drive to Meknes one of the four Imperial cities of Morocco, that became the country’s capital in the 18th century during the reign of Moulay Ismail. We will explore the medina (old town) main sites: the Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail, The Qubbat al-Khayyatin the monumental Bab Mansur al-Alj gate, the main square of the Medina and Sahrij Swani old water basin. At the end of the day, we will drive back to Fes. Overnight in Fes.

  • Walking tour in the Medina (old city) of Meknes – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot. Meknes is one of the four Imperial cities of Morocco, became the capital of Morocco under the reign of Sultan Moulay Ismaïl (1672–1727)
  • Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail – is a funerary complex built to serv a burial place for Sultan Moulay Ismail, who ruled Morocco from 1672 until his death in 1727 and some for his family members. The place is holy for Moroccan in general and for Meknes inhabitants. It is still visited today by Moroccans seeking baraka from Moulay Ismail’s tomb
  • The Qubbat al-Khayyatin – Served as a reception hall for foreign ambassadors in the time of Moulay Isma’il’s. it contains a Pavilion. Its current name derives from its later use as a workshop for creating military uniforms. In some places stucco-carved and zellij tiles decoration remain, but this is also the result of significant restoration
  • Bab Mansur al- Alj – is a monumental gate in the city of Meknes. The gate is named after the architect that design it was originally the main ceremonial entrance to the Kasbah (royal citadel) of Sultan Moulay Isma’il. Today it is one of the most famous and admired landmarks in the city especially at sunset
  • El Hedim Square – is the main square in Meknes medina. The square was built after the Sultan of Morocco, Moulay Ismail made a large change in the Old city of Meknes for his palace and the square. On the southern side of the square is Meknes main colorful food market
  • Sahrij Swani – is a water basin built for water supply to the royal cities. It was supplied with water by an underground canal that brought water from the foot of the middle Alas Mountain to the adjacent House of the Ten Norias on its southeast side, and from there into the basin

Fes is a city that consists of two old medina quarters, Fes el-Bali and Fes Jdid, and Ville Nouvelle that was founded during the French colonial era. The medina of Fes is labyrinth of alleys that are arranged around two main ones and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It contains the University of Al-Qarawiyyin, the Chaouara Tannery from which is one of the oldest tanneries in the world. Fes is the spiritual and cultural capital of Morocco. We will explore Fes Medina mainly by foot and see the main sights of the city. The best way to do that, is by strolling along the small alleys, look for the different artisans in their small Shops and fill the atmosphere of the of the Medina. Overnight in Fes.

  • Walking tour in Jdid (new) city of Fes – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot
  • Dar al-Makhzen – Fes Royal Palace original founded during the foundation of Fes el-Jdid (“New Fez”), to serve as a royal citadel for the Marinid dynasty. We will see only its main entrances
  • The Mellah – Is Fes Jewish quarter and the first one built in Morocco. It is in Fes el-Jdid close to the royal palce. Stroll by foot along the Mellah
  • Ibn Danan Synagogue – Dated to the 17ᵗʰ century It was built by Mimoun Ben Sidan, a wealthy merchant. The synagogue was one of several inside the walls of Fes and one of two that was restore and is open to the public
  • The Jewish cemetery – that can represent cemeteries in the country because entry to Moslems cemeteries is prohibited to non-Muslims
  • Walking tour in el-bali (old) city of Fes – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot. Fes is one of the most magnificent old cities and along with Fes Jdid, as a World Heritage Site in 1981. Fes el Bali is still enclosed by a long 11ᵗʰ century defensive wall. The main souk streets of the city through two main alleys to the area of the city’s main mosque: the Qarawiyyin mosque and, to the Zawiya of Moulay Idris II
  • Bab Bou Jeloud – is an ornate city gate in Fes el Bali, the current gate was built by the French colonial administration in 1913 to connect between Fes AL Jadid and Fes Al Bali that were for centuries separated quarters. The structure is a triple-arched gate that with pointed horseshoe arches and decorated from the outside by green tiles (the color of Islam) and from the outside by blue tiled (the color of Islam
  • Madrasa Bou Inania – is a wonderful example to the madrasa architecture that was brought to Morocco by the Marinid dynasty. It is also functioned as a congregational mosque. The madrasa is highly decorated in ornaments that represent the Moroccan architecture
  • Nejjarine Museum of Wood Arts and Crafts – This museum is served as funduq – a caravanserai, a place where travelling merchants could find a room and stored their goods. Centered on a courtyard, the rooms are given over to displays of traditional artefacts
  • Zawiya of Moulay Idris II – contains the tomb of Idris II, the second ruler in the first dynasty who ruled Morocco. main constructions of the city of Fes took place in his time. The most monumental entrance portal of the zawiya building is on its north side
  • University of al-Qarawiyyin – was founded as a mosque by Fatima al-Fihri a refugy from Kairouan in Tunisia. It was one of the leading spiritual and educational centers Middle Ages Islamic world. The mosque building is a significant complex of historical Moroccan and Islamic architecture that were added in different periods
  • Chaouara Tanneries – is one of the oldest in the world and is continually operating in the same fashion since the 11ᵗʰ century. This site is one of the must-see sites in Fes el Bali. It is a very colorful place

Prepare for a long day! Today we will Leave Fes and drive to the Middle Atlas Range to our main destination Marrakesh, we will stop in Ifrane, a town with an alpine atmosphere. we will drive to the national park of Cèdre Gouraud Forest and will take a short walk between the scenic middle Atlas range and drive along the towns and villages of the Imazighen (known by their common name Berber) to Marrakesh. Overnight in Marrakesh.

  • Walking tour in the town of Ifrane – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot. Ifrane is a city in the Middle Atlas range. In the regional Tamazight language, Ifrane means caves. Ifrane has a European atmosphere as it was founded by the French administration to be a holiday resort to spend the hot summer months
  • Ifrane Lion – near the Hôtel Chamonix. there are different stories about the sculpture. The common one is that it was carved by a German soldier during WWII, when Ifrane was used briefly as a prisoner-of-war camp, in exchange for the prisoner’s freedom. It commemorates the last wild Atlas lion, which was shot near here in the early 1920’s
  • Cèdre Gouraud – is a national park that was declared by the French to protect the Atlantic Cedar trees from extinction. The forest is notable as a habitat for a sub-population of Barbary macaques, species native to the Atlas Mountains in north Africa, along with a small population in Gibraltar. Seeing them in their natural habitat is an exciting experience. When approaching them be careful after all they are wild animals

We will dedicate the entire day to explore Marrakesh Medina mainly by foot. We will see the main sights of the city, starting our tour from the Kutubiyya Mosque, see Saadian Tombs, visit El Badi and Bahia Palaces, the Mellah (Jewish quarter), Koubba Ba’adiyn, Ben Youssef Madrasa and the jewel of Marrakesh, the Jemaa el-Fnaa (the main square). But most of all it is a day of feeling the atmosphere of this vibrant city, full of life and spectacular. Overnight in Marrakesh.

  • Walking tour in the old city of Marrakesh – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot
  • Kutubiyya Mosque – The largest mosque in Marrakesh. The mosque is a wonderful example of the 11ᵗʰ century architecture and is one of three that was built at the same time. It is situated near the famous public place of Jemaa el-Fna and is flanked by large gardens
  • The Saadian Tombs – The Saadian are a royal necropolis inside the royal kasbah (citadel), that was built to be the burial place for the Saadian dynasty. The complex is another example for Moroccan architecture at its best during the Saadian period due to its luxurious decoration and careful interior design
  • El Badi Palace – Was commissioned by the sultan Ahmad al-Mansur of the Saadian dynasty and was built by reach materials including Karra marble imported from Italy. IT was used for receptions and designed to showcase the Sultan’s wealth and power
  • The Mellah – is the first Jewish Quarter in Morocco that was built when Fes al Bali became a sacred place not suitable for non-Muslim. Therefore, it was built outside of the walls of El Badi Palace. It was a walled quarter, with its gates closed at night
  • Bahia Palace – is a mid to late 19ᵗʰ century palace built first by Si Musa, grand vizier of Alaouite sultan Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman. It is beautifully decorated with panted cedar wood ceilings and, is a comprises several inner courtyards and gardens around which are arranged various rooms and chambers
  • Koubba Ba’adiyn – is a small monument and is the only structure built by the Almoravid dynasty in the early 12ᵗʰ century that was preserved in Marrakesh. Its decoration is a masterpiece of design that is influence both from black Africa and Andalusia. The interior is richly decorated with carved floral and vegetal patterns, palmette/seashell shapes, and calligraphy
  • Ba’adiyn Ben Youssef Madrasa – The Ben Youssef is an Islamic madrasa (college) that was the largest Islamic college in Morocco. The ornamentation shows the sophistication and beauty of Moroccan and Andalusian architecture, with pools, gardens, fountains and carved stucco and wood
  • Jemaa el-Fnaa – is no doubt the highlights of Marrakesh’s medina. It is used by locals and tourists, and it look different at day light and at night. During the day it is predominantly occupied by orange juice stalls and sometimes you can see youths with chained Barbary apes and snake. late in the day the square becomes more crowded, with Chleuh dancing-boys, storytellers, magicians, and food stalls set up every night anew. It is a UNESCO heritage site for Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity

Today we will explore the nature and the traditional life in the high Atlas in Asni and Imlil. As you travel up the valley from Asni to Imlil, the colorful mountains and creeks will escort you to the green walnut’s trees around Imlil. The village of Imlil is a lovely Atlas Mountains settlement that offers views to the high pics among them jabl Toubkal, the highest peak in Morocco. At the end of the day, we will drive back to Marrakesh. Overnight in Marrakesh.

  • Asni Town- is a small town in the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains. Every Saturday there is a regional weekly market. It is a very colorful place that buyers from the surrounding villages and sellers from all south Morocco are gathering here
  • Imlil village – is village in the high Atlas Mountains It is close to the mountain Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in Northern Africa. Imlil and the villages around are shroud by high mountains and walnuts tree. Imlil is a wonderful place to see the life in the Atlas Mountains

Prepare for a long day! Today we will drive west to the Atlantic coast and on our way back to Casablanca we will explore the cities along its shores. Our first stop will be in Safi, which is the main fishing port for the country’s sardine industry, and exports phosphates, textiles, and ceramics. We will stroll along the alleys of the Medina including the pottery quarter. We will continue driving along the coast to Al Jadida and visit the Portuguese Fortified citadel (the Mazagan), a UNESCO World Heritage site. We will walk along the citadel ramparts and visit the cistern. At the end of the day, we will arrive to Casablanca. End of the trip

  • Walking tour in the Medina (old city) of Safi – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot
  • Safi Bab CHAABA – The main entrance gate to Safi medina, and like the medina and the rampart, was built by the Portuguese
  • Portuguese Cathedral– located opposite to the great mosque in a narrow allay. Built in the 16ᵗʰ century in a Portuguese Gothic style. The construction was never completed the only remains are the coir and a side Chapel
  • Safi National Ceramics Museum – Located in the Kechla citadel and listed as an historic monument. It displays authentic Moroccan ceramics, showing the long tradition in the country
  • Walking tour in the Portuguese Fortified citadel (the Mazagan) of El Jadida – we will explore the main sites and monuments by foot
  • Church of the Assumption – It was built in the early 16ᵗʰ century by the Portuguese in Manueline architecture style and is the main church of Mazagan Citadel
  • The Portuguese Cistern – located at the heart of the historic Portuguese fortified citadel of Mazagan. It is a classified cultural heritage monument in Morocco and, along with the rest of the old walled city, forms part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • The sea gate – is the gate where ships embarked during the Portuguese control of Mazagan, and the gate they used when they evacuated the citadel. From the gate we will walk up the rampart and have a round trip